Gerri Bowen: Good News, Unexpected Restrictions, & Advanced Planning

My expanded version of BLUE MOON REUNION is now out! That’s my good news. It was the first short story I had published, and was in an anthology, Blue Moon Enchantment. All stories in anthologies have word limits. Now that my publisher has published them separately, some seem very short to me. BLUE MOON REUNION always seemed too short to me, so I was able to expand it and get it published. For those who have read AUDREY’S LOVE, you will recognize some names. Sir Robin, my hero in BLUE MOON REUNION, is grandson to Vincent of the Great Mustache. πŸ™‚

My new cover:

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Barnes&Noble still don’t have the new one up. 😦

My Unexpected Restrictions? I read through the booklet I was given, to help prepare me for my surgery, and the weeks after. I was tempted to cancel the surgery.

For 2-8 weeks after surgery, I will be allowed to sit for no more than 10 minutes at a time, and then just to dress, eat, and use the toilet. Then I can either do a little walking or recline on my back! No bathing until my stitches are removed, and that is on the 16th. Eleven days without bathing? Heavens! No bending. No twisting. No reaching. I may lift something that is directly in front of me, but only if I can lift it with one hand.

So we come to Advanced Planning.

Everything I think I’ll use can-wise, plates, bowls, will be placed on my kitchen counters so I don’t have to bend down and retrieve stuff. The top shelf on my refrigerator will have to do since I won’t be able to bend down to reach for anything. I’ll leave the top of my waste can open, so I don’t have bend down to open it.

It took me several days to figure out how I can bathe without bending, twisting or getting my stitches wet. πŸ™‚ I have one of those spray hoses that hooks up to my shower. Generally I’ve used that to help me clean the shower. I’ll use that, although cautiously, since I can direct it away from incision site. No way to wash my hair, so I’ll try some dry shampoo. I hope this all works.

As for computer time… I bought a lap top cushion desk. If someone is around, I can ask for their help in handing me my laptop. And plugging it in. And then lifting it away. Can you understand why I was tempted to call this off?

Driving in a car? I must be in a reclined position. If I’m in the car for longer than 15 minutes, we must stop and I must walk for 5 minutes, and then continue on. There is a special protocol for getting in and out of the car, too. Can we say p.o.? I will do my very best to be compliant. It will not be easy, though. I’m sure I will be grumpy. I’m sure there will be pain pills.

I doubt I will be on computer very much, but who knows? I have a few reviews I’d like to complete, and a gazillion books to read. I also bought some movies to watch. As with other horrible things that I’ve experienced, I’ll have to plan on how I’ll use this experience in a story. Someday. When I can once again bend, twist and plant myself in front of my desk computer.

Surgery is scheduled for September 5th.Β  A week from today. If you don’t hear from me for a while, you’ll know why.

If anyone has been through this, and has some helpful tips, please let me know. πŸ™‚

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22 Responses to Gerri Bowen: Good News, Unexpected Restrictions, & Advanced Planning

  1. Angela says:

    Great lookin’ cover! Good luck with your surgery…

  2. Gerri, I love the new cover! Very pretty. I guess all you can do with such a long post-surgery recovery is tackle it one day at a time, right? Maybe even in smaller increments, like one hour at a time! You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers.

    • Gerri Bowen says:

      Thank you, Polly. I guess I won’t know until the surgery is over and I’m home. I’m hoping I will heal quickly-IF I can be a good patient. We shall see. Thank you for stopping by and commenting, is much appreciated. πŸ™‚

  3. Gosh, wish I lived closer and was less encumbered with other stuff to give you a hand.

    • Gerri Bowen says:

      Thank you, Elaine! I wish you were, too. Except you generally make me laugh, and I think that might hurt me at the beginning. πŸ™‚ I appreciate your thoughtfulness, thank you.

  4. Love the cover, very atmospheric. Apart from gathering lots of pillows and cushions, I have no real advice to give unfortunately. Best of luck with the surgery.

  5. Oh Gerri, I’m so sorry you’re facing this ordeal! I’ve undergone surgery a few times myself, and all I can say is, you’ll heal and feel better soon. Keep in mind the old saying: “Sickness takes the mind where minds don’t usually go.” So we’ll be expecting some fabulous new stories from you after all this πŸ™‚ Love your cover, BTW. Wonderfully moody and inviting. Good luck with the writing AND the surgery. You’re in my thoughts.

  6. Delynn Royer says:

    Beautiful moonlit cover! Congratulations on the new release! Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way for the coming week and the weeks of healing to follow.

  7. Gerri Bowen says:

    Thank you, Pat. One of the positives of this? Me being able to O.D. on reading without feeling that I should be doing something else. πŸ™‚ I’m looking forward to being able to move my hips again without immediate pain. I love Zumba, but haven’t been able to dance or swim or exercise for sooo long, because as soon as I swing my hips, the pain begins.
    A side note, my puppy was spayed this past Thursday. Also micro-chipped. However, she is not allowed to run, rough-house with other animals or get her incision wet by jumping into the pond a hundred times a day-and these are the things she always does-for 14 days! The day of my surgery will be day seven of the 14. In retrospect, I should have put off her spaying for another two months.
    But yes, these are the things that get thrown into the pot of plots. πŸ™‚ Thank you for stopping by, Pat. Much appreciated.

  8. Gerri, I love the cover art—misty, dreamy, intriguing. I put Blue Moon Reunion on my TBR list. I liked the character of Vincent of the Great Mustache in AUDREY’S LOVE. I’m sure I will enjoy this story as well.

    My heart goes out to you for what you are about to endure. The next few weeks could be the longest ones in your life. I hope the pain of healing doesn’t require so much medication that you can’t read or work on your computer. We often feel guilty if we devote too much time to liesure reading, but for the next few weeks you can indulge without guilt, whoopie! You are in my thoughts everyday. I hope everything goes well for you.

    • Gerri Bowen says:

      Thank you, Susan. I like my new cover very well. I hope you enjoy BLUE MOON REUNION!
      I am looking forward to my upcoming reading time, as well as all the free time to just think about “stuff”.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting, and thank you for your good thoughts.

  9. The new cover is very eye catching, Gerri.

  10. Wonderful cover. Hope your recovery goes well.

  11. Gerri Bowen says:

    Thank you, Mandy. πŸ™‚

  12. ringstrue13 says:

    Sending good vibes for your surgery. Sounds like it is going to be very frustrating but hang in there. As to reading I was in some of the same restrictions after my bariatric surgery and the pain was intense but the pills help. Then one day out of the blue the pain was gone. I couldn’t read for about two weeks after, couldn’t concentrate think that is because of the gas from the surgery because it was so long. So movies are a good idea. Good luck with the hair lucky I could stand over the shower to wash my hair with a shower hose. And that first shower after the stitches came out was nirvana. Hope all goes well and it isn’t as bad as you think.

    • Gerri Bowen says:

      Thank you, Jody! The worst is over, I think. Still some nerve pain in my lower legs. The first shower was wonderful! Able to more than I thought I could. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. πŸ™‚

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